massage therapy

Massage Therapy

Recreational Therapy

Recreational Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

About Toldson Therapy

Because Special People Deserve Special Care

We work to bring comfort, joy and relief to those among us who have the greatest need. The reason we do that is because we believe that God created all of us in the Imago Dei, which is Latin for the image of God. We believe that God's unique imprint on all of humanity regardless of health is the basis for all human dignity. This is the why behind what we do.

Our Services

Aquatic Therapy

There are numerous benefits to aquatic therapy used as recreational intervention more.

Recreational Therapy

Recreational therapy can be beneficial in many areas of clients' lives more.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapists provide a rehabilitative service to patients with the aim of more.

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy can provide many benefits, such as management of anxiety and more.

For Agencies

Let Toldson Therapy contract with you to help meet the needs of your clients.